Friday, February 29, 2008



Watcha reading there, Mike?
O, Heya Alex, it’s Lord of The Flies, you know for school? You gotta read it too eh?
Yeah, you know that’s a pretty serious book?
Like you know how that Jack guy leads a vicious rebellion, and in turn killed two boys on the island?
Yeah, to think he was just a “good boy” to start off with. He was even in the school choir.
Suure…how could someone like that turn into the controlling antagonist he is by then end of the novel?

Well, I guess the island changed him. Being apart from the world, on your own has got to have an effect on someone.
Even make someone into a ruthless and animalistic beast? With no thought of consequence?
The guy truly crossed the line between hunter and savage, when he killed that mother sow remember, in chapter eight. His thirst for blood was unquenchable:

“The spear moved forward inch by inch and the terrified squealing became a high-pitched scream. Then Jack found the throat and the hot blood spouted over his hands.”

Lord of the Flies is full of symbolism my friend.

You can say that again. I guess, like Ralph he too can be motivating leader in his own right, just that both have greatly different ideals. He was the head of the choir he was in, and didn’t let anyone forget it. He’s ego, arrogance; violence and temper are what make him the antagonist that he is, right?

I guess, but there is a bit more to it than that. Did you know that Jack’s obsession with hunting sparked the first time he encountered a wild pig, since he was unable to kill it. But Jack soon devoted himself solely to the task, and succeeded, painting his face like a barbarian, and eventually gave himself over to his bloodlust. Check this out, it’s in Chapter Four:

“His mind was crowded with memories; memories of the knowledge that had come to them when they closed in on the struggling pig, knowledge that they had outwitted a living thing, imposed their will upon it, taken away its life like a long satisfying drink.”

Come to think of it, the more savage Jack became, the more he was able to control the rest of the group. Fear is a powerful thing you know. Jacks pretty good at manipulating it too. I think he used the boy’s fear of the “Beast” as a way of gaining and maintaining his power. Cleaver kid huh?

Yeah, more like cunning. The beast was actually the savagery that resided inside them all wasn’t it. The awakening of their hidden evils. Simon seemed to realize this first, in chapter five:

“Maybe there is a beast ... maybe it's only us.”

Simon is a pretty good polar image to Jack isn’t he. He’s quiet, wise, and peaceful. Jacks aggressive, hasty and think headed.

I’m sure Golding meant for that. Everything in Lord of the Flies seems to have some sort of greater meaning. Like the fire, the beast, even the difference of personalities between Jack and Simon.
Yeah I heard you the first time.
O no, that’s the bell, I’m gonna be late for class, and I haven’t even finished my recess yet! Miss Levy is going to have my head! Later dude.
Yeah, catch ya later, o and thanks for helping me with my homework! Ha-ha!
Why you little!

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